Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The Lazy Barista

You know what puts me off? People who are so lazy it permeates into how they think. The other day I was in a coffeehouse and asked for a decaf chai. The waitress said, "There's no such thing. We have vata tea if you want something similar with no caffeine."


Vata tea is fine but don't tell me there's no such thing as decaf chai. I have a box of it in my cupboard at home. The correct phrase is : "Sorry, we don't carry that." Just because you don't sell it doesn't mean it's a figment of my imagination.

Of course, I acknowledge this could be karma. I have been known to play a game I call 'Stump the Barista'. This is where I go into Starbucks and order something really long and complicated to see if they will mess it up. About 50% of the time I get my drink and a conciliatory free-drink card. :-)

Tell me your story of someone eggregiously lazy in the service industry.


  1. We've got many like this in my country. That is precisely why people think twenty times before they employ Malays in the service industry. I am a Malay, btw..i just hope i am a different kind.
    I think this barrista is pretty resourceful, having to think of a more creative way of saying, "sorry we don't carry that..." :-)
    Cool blog ..
