Friday, January 14, 2011

A good year indeed.

2010 was a good year.  After a misfire in FL I decided to move to NC and it turned out to be a wise decision.  I obtained a new job where I had a chance to shine as a leader by example and they promoted me after just 7 months!  A new city that I like a lot.  (I can't understand the fascination with hush puppies though.)  I have new friends who make a concerted effort to stick together and support one another.  And boy do they party.  Never a dull moment with this group.

This year I finally made it to Chicago.  I took my dad and had a great time.  We've decided to start making this an annual father/son thing.  Boston in 2011.  I also began volunteering with a local community outreach program mainly at the food bank.  After being away for over 2 years, I finally made it back to Cincinnati to see my friends in September.  I try to always look forward but I can't help but have a hole in my heart for Cincy.  I became a man there and for 13 years called it home.  I don't regret leaving but I miss it badly at times.  Especially my best friend.

On a darker note, last year I developed a really bad Facebook addiction that will undoubtedly require an intervention.  You know its bad when you come into work and the first thing you log into is Facebook.

Overall, I obtained the one thing I coveted for so long and took for granted when I had it many years ago...normalcy.  No more different city every week; no more searching for the life I should have.  I'm in a position to make the life I want and I couldn't be happier.  I've always been ambivalent about the years past but not this time.  2010 was a good year indeed.

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